Monday, February 18, 2008

February 16, 2008

Plenty of variety on the trail this weekend - from this wonderful leaf covered trail in the Heaven's Gate loop to some "safety studs required" ice in the more "protected" areas. The photo of the locust tree is the reason everybody needs to be sure before they grab a nearby tree for support. My people sure whine when they get to close to these trees!
For all my fans, I will be visiting Toto for the next two weekends so the web master might add a note or two in my absence. I'll see you on the trails when we get back!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Feb 9, 2008

The trail sure was covered with snow and ice today, just enough to have good traction on one step and no traction on the next one! Only to toughest, most dedicated runners would risk life and limb out here today - must be why Jason was out spending 5 hours in training. Actually, it was plenty warm on Saturday making it a great run for the most part - just those steep hills that resemble toboggan runs that take your breath away. The creeks are running fast and cold with little chance of a dry crossing - but that only last a little while.
The photos this week are from the back side of Briar Hill - most of you have never seen this view. Briar Hill is near the shear cliff that you can see about a mile or so after Heaven's Gate aid station. The other photo is of my girl and I looking at the ice blocks in the tree. Amazing how those blocks get there!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Groundhog Day

Plenty of snow fell on McNaughton, nearly belly deep in places. That is, for a big dog. Running in these conditions might be a lot of fun but it takes a lot more energy to cover the same distance - what a workout! We just walked Heaven's Gate and Hooter Hill but it seemed like we did the whole loop!
Did someone call a toe truck? The snow keeps packing up between my toes so my girl has to help out now and then to clear the treads.
This next photo is a view of Picnic in the Park hill - it is a great sledding hill but no takers just yet.
Can you believe it's less than 3 months before race day???