Monday, April 7, 2008

April 5, 2008 - the week before

What a beautiful weekend at McNaughton! Friday, Saturday, and Sunday were all full sunshine days with pleasant breezes. The trail was tacky fast with very little mud and the creeks were running about average. Just a perfect weekend for the race. Uh, I guess the race is next weekend.
My people and I spent most of the weekend in the park as did several other workers, helping to shore up bridges, divert water and general cleanup. It got pretty warm and I was sure looking for a zipper on this fur coat - I gotta get busy shedding!
The photos this week show us working on clearing the damming at one of the mud problems from last year. Wimpy hikers tend to lay limbs across these ditches which causes them to dam up, widening the water and spreading mucky silt, which just adds to the problem they were trying to solve. Wish they would just buy some water proof booties. The other photo is the high point in the Foundation loop. Guess you could say "it's all down hill from here"? Not.
Hope to see all my running friends and make a lot more friends at the race next week. It's going to be great!