Friday, September 19, 2008

Guided Tour of McNaughton Invitiation

You are invited! I am hosting a guided tour of the McNaughton race loop. Are you a puppy and want to see what you should be training for during the winter? Have you never run McNaughton before and want to get in a ten mile jog? Are you a big dog McNaughton runner that would like to join us for a group run? This is your chance!

I have barked a request to a group of local trail runners asking them to help as tour guides. Enough of them said they would that I am offering the invitation. Saturday, November 1 is the date, 9 A.M. is the time. The race start/finish line is the location. There is no fee, no clock, no awards, just a fun run on a great route. My tour guides have various speed qualities but still no real commitment from the greyhound group, yet. Please RSVP so my people will know what to expect.

If there is enough interest, we might run a second loop on Saturday night. If you want to know what McNaughton looks like at night, again, this is your chance. I can tell you, it is dark! You will understand why so many racers love to have pacers when they run their night loops.

Stay up on my posts for any updates or changes and RSVP me soon!


Unknown said...

Count me in on the Nov. 1st run!

shnog said...

Will be there.

Anonymous said...

Will be there.

shnog said...

I'm not going to be able to make it afterall. :(
I sprained my ankle last Wednesday and really want to make sure it's healed solidly before doing any trail running, so I'm going to have to back out.

Howie24 said...

Plan to bring 5 people from Decatur to run Nov 1st. We hope you still plan to have it. Some of us have run before and others there 1st time.