Monday, November 3, 2008

Tour of McNaughton Report

What a great day for a run in the park! Bright sun shinny day with mild temps made for about the best conditions you can ask for. Great company and super tour guides allowed folks to get a wonderful McNaughton experience. We had Carey, Sheila, Christy, Mike, Donna, Dan, Brian, Jason, Chris, Howard, Jeff, Bob, Ann, Jerry and Mike. Counting me and my people, that's 18 (or so I'm told). I am a herding dog so understand how difficult it was to keep track of everybody once you got all spread out over several miles and how thankful I am that I had the help of the tour guides.

While there was interest in doing a night run, everybody had other schedules to keep and leaves to rake. I, however, had to take up my post on the back deck, guarding the yard from squirrels between power naps.

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